A Drop of History and Orthodox Spirituality at Agios Myronas Hermitage
Agios Myronas is a village located 20 km southwest of Heraklion, at an altitude of 440 meters. It is surrounded by hills adorned with vineyards and olive groves, making it a magnificent and picturesque location. The village has a rich history dating back to the 3rd-4th century AD and holds great significance for the Christian-Orthodox community. It is the birthplace and former home of Saint Miron, who was later canonized as a wonderworker and elevated to the rank of Bishop of Crete.
Agios Myronas Church and Cave, Place of Pilgrimage and Prayer
The town, built on the ruins of the ancient city of Rauko/Rafko, was first attested as Agios Myron, in Venetian documents from 1281, since then appearing with the same name in various official documents and censuses, to this day.

On a terraced hill, stands the Church of Agios Myron, a historical monument from the 11th century (some sources say that even older, dating from the early Byzantine period), in which are located the icon, tomb, and relics of Saint Miron, dating back over 16 centuries.
Descending on an alley From the church courtyard, one reaches the Holly cell of the Saint, a natural cave in the basalt rock, from which healing water gushes.
Saint Miron, the Bishop, the Ascetic, and the Wonderworker
Only a few recorded testimonies have been found about Saint's life. It is said that he was born around 250 AD in a family of Christian believers. Despite the persecution of Christians, the religious education he received strengthened his faith in God and multiplied his graces. In his youth, being married, Saint Miron was a hardworking farmer, admired in the community for his virtuous life. He was an example of a good Christian, wise, altruistic, and loving person,
After the death of his wife, the Christian believers urged him to accept the ordination as a priest, and later they elected him bishop of the Gortys (the capital of the Roman province of Crete at that time) and of the Knossos - and, hence, the name under which the Church Orthodox commemorates him today, the Bishop of Crete. It is also said that he lived for a hundred years, until about 350 AD, leading an ascetic life in his cave cell and being blessed by God with the grace to work wonders.

Some of the miracles of his life are present in local legends. It is said that while he was the bishop, the Saint would have saved the city from a devastating flood, temporarily stopping the Triton River (present-day Karteros) and walking through its dry riverbed. Another time, when a weird creature, a dragon, began to haunt the city, scaring the inhabitants, the Saint transformed it into a stone, spreading its body, under the eyes of the parishioners at the Holy Mass. This story is also on a memorial plaque from the entrance to the hermitage, written in Greek and, interestingly, in a corner of the cave, there is a fossilized head that the locals call "Drakos" (the dragon).
The Holy Cave and the Healing Spring of St. Miron
Going down the alley from the church courtyard to the west, you reach the cavern of Saint Miron, incorporated today into a beautiful chapel. Inside, one finds two large icons of the Virgin Mary and Saint Miron, the ceilings painted with apostles and saints, sophisticated chandeliers, and a stained glass window representing the saint, who cheerfully lights the chapel. Believers hang silver plates as offerings, representing body parts, persons, or objects, as a sign of gratitude or prayer, accompanied by lighting a candle before the icons.

In the granite wall opposite the entrance to the chapel, an archway opens, followed by three steps that descend into the cave. In a humid and cool space, where no more than three people fit in, there is a stone bed, a small altar with a candle that burns all the time near the icon of Saint Miron, and, in one corner, a deep hole in which accumulates the water draining on the wall. A long-tail ladle and a large cup are helpful for those who want to drink or fill a bottle to take home.

We also tried the water and attempted to recognize its flavor, uncover its secrets, and tune in to its energy and information. The water was cold with a slightly salty taste, indicating it has an alkaline mineral content with therapeutic benefits. The parishioners call it The Healing Spring of Saint Miron. We then gave ourselves a few minutes of prayer and reflection. In that austere space, but with a great spiritual charge, we lit a candle, worshiping the Saint and thanking the Lord for the daily miracle of our lives.
The Church with the Tomb and Relics of St. Miron
Through the centuries of foreign occupation and persecution of the Orthodox Christians, the church of Agios Myron has suffered numerous destructions, like the whole settlement itself. Many historic imposing buildings erected during the flourishing Venetian period fell to the ground in a powerful earthquake in 1856. Shortly, during the Great Cretan Revolution (1866-1869), due to its strategic position and fortifications which housed the Christian rebels, the village was set on fire by the Ottoman troops of Reshid Pasa, and the Church, together with the tomb of Saint Miron that it housed, desecrated.

In the modern period, the church was rebuilt and renovated, enjoying the icon of St. Miron, who miraculously survived all attempts. On May 12, 2014, following revelations of the locals and church servants, the tomb of Saint Miron was discovered, with great emotion, containing over 200 bone fragments, 16 centuries old, protected by a marble plaque. The exhumation took place at the decision of the Ecclesiastical Council, in the presence of the Bishop of Crete, this unique event being video recorded:
Every year, on August 8, according to the Orthodox calendar, Saint Miron, the Bishop of Crete, the wonderworker is celebrated. The church with the relics of Saint and the hermitage with the healing spring in the village of Agios Myron become a place of pilgrimage and prayer, attracting Orthodox believers from Crete and Greece, but also foreign visitors, passionate about history, culture, and spirituality.
Whether you are among them or not, if you are coming on holiday to Crete, do not miss this important landmark of the historical and spiritual heritage of the Greek nation and the Orthodox Church!